
Heather Kapplow, Liz Nofziger

Project sponsored by the House of Blues Boston.

Presented in partnership with the Boston Red Sox.

Ovation is an interactive sounds installation by artists Heather Kapplow and Liz Nofziger, staged at ILLUMINUS with the help of Ian King.

Using warm light and audio recorded at live concerts by the band Yo La Tengo a few short days before ILLUMINUS, Ovation offers everyone the opportunity to feel the swell of enthusiasm that performers like musicians or actors experience when they receive enough cheering and applause to justify an encore or standing ovation.

Though many of us have given this kind of support to musicians or actors (or perhaps to athletes at Fenway Park) most of us never have this experience ourselves, so Ovation transfers it back just this once.

The effect of walking into the piece is that of being a wash in a giant wave of love. it wasn't love originally intended for you, but Kapplow or Nofziger have managed to capture it and are giving it you as a gift. Please bathe yourself in it for as long as you would like, and then allow someone else to have the same experience.

For more on this project, click here.


Lime Light

